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New York Speeding Ticket

If you need a Hempstead Traffic Court Lawyer to appear for you in court at
16 Cooper Street, at the Hempstead Traffic Court, I can help you. My office is conveniently located right up the street from Hempstead Traffic Court in Garden City. Further, I went to Hofstra Law School, also right in Hempstead. Needless to say, I have appeared dozens of times at this venue and can help ensure that you get the best outcome for your particular circumstance. Don’t make the mistake of pleading guilty through the mail or showing up unrepresented and taking the first offer – call me today toll free at 516-993-8003 and get a Hempstead traffic court lawyer to discuss your case absolutely free.


If you have been cited with a New York speeding ticket it’s probably time to call an attorney who specializes in New York speeding ticket traffic violations. Depending upon the severity of the charges, New York courts can handle the ticket differently. Sometimes your ticket can lead to points on your license which can lead to increased insurance rates. Other motor vehicle violations like reckless driving can lead to fines or sometimes potentially even imprisonment. Occasionally, people feel they will go in and handle it themselves and that it isn’t a big deal. However, often it is actually cheaper in the end to hire an attorney who can deal with your New York speeding ticket. Here is why:


If you elect to answer for the ticket or charges on your own behalf, you very likely may not be able to negotiate as good a deal as an attorney who knows how to beat your NY speeding ticket.


What happens next is that you often:

A) End up paying higher fines and/or

B) Get more points on your license which jumps your insurance rates


So the scenario often plays out something like this:

You get a ticket for speeding, and they want $600 dollars in fines and three points on your license . You agree to plead guilty, waiving any assistance of counsel, and get a “deal” of only having to pay $300 or $400 dollars and get two points on your license. Sounds like a good deal? Not really when you consider that your insurance rates may go up every month for the next couple years. Even if you negotiate what you think at the time is a “good” deal for yourself, let’s say you keep the points to a couple so that your insurance only goes up say $100-$150 per month – that is still potentially over $2000-$3000 over the next few years, when you include the insurance spikes, court fines and administrative fees. Not such a good “deal” anymore when a lawyer who does this for a living can often get you no points or structure a true plea DEAL where you may pay a lesser fine upfront but avoid triggering the points and save thousands on your insurance – and all for often a fraction, sometimes a couple hundred dollars. So which would you rather pay, a couple hundred dollars now to get a lawyer to fight your NY speeding ticket, or a couple hundred extra every month for the next couple of years in insurance premium hikes?

You may not know it, but when you get a moving violation, you enter the complex bureaucracy of your local municipal or county traffic court where negotiation is very often the rule as opposed to the exception. Most people do NOT know this which is why a full 90% of traffic offenders make the mistake of paying their ticket rather than fighting it in court or having an attorney help them.

A speeding ticket carries a total of between 3 and 11 points:


Speeding 1 to 103 points

Speeding 11 to 204 points

Speeding 21 to 306 points

Speeding 31 to 408 points

Speeding 41+11 points


Aside from the points, a speeding conviction may lead to your license being susoended or even revoked. Some judges elect to suspend drivers for just one 8 point or 11 point speeding conviction. Others may wait for two speeding convictions. Three speeding convictions within eighteen months will result in an automatic and mandatory 6 month license revocation. The DMV itself can suspend if your New York driver’s license for getting 11 or more points within 18 months for any accumulated infractions.

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Garden City, New York, USA

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