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The information provided on (“website”) is to inform you of and its services and is not legal advice and you should not rely upon it as legal advice. Your browsing or use of the website does not make me your attorney or you my client, or create any other fiduciary or confidential relationship. Prior to entering into an attorney-client relationship, I need to make certain that your case or situation is one that I can skillfully assist you with.

Further, I need to check to make sure that we do not have any conflicts of interest. Therefore, I request that you please not fax or email any confidential information to until you have talked with me and we have entered into an attorney-client relationship. I am licensed to practice law in the State of New York. If you reside in a state other than New York or if your case or matter involves a dispute in a state other than New York State, you should contact and consult an attorney licensed to practice law in that jurisdiction.

Further, do NOT send or transmit any monies to via the “Make a Payment” page through Paypal, or any other means, unless you are already an existing client and we have personally discussed entering into an attorney/client relationship, and we have discussed the exact amounts you are to pay and for what types of services.

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Garden City, New York, USA

ATTORNEY ADVERTISEMENT: The hiring of an attorney is an important decision that should not be made based on advertisements. The material on these pages and on any linked pages are intended to provide information and not legal advice. You should consult with a lawyer in your jurisdiction before relying upon any of the information contained herein. The act of sending e-mail to or downloading information from this website does not alone create an attorney-client relationship. While we do appreciate your feedback concerning our website, we cannot guarantee a response to unsolicited e-mail. Electronic mail on the internet is not secure and you should avoid sending sensitive, confidential or damaging information via email. Accordingly, we strongly encourage those seeking criminal defense representation to contact us by telephone at 516-993-8003. does not seek to offer services to anyone seeking representation based upon viewing this website in a state where this website fails to comply with all laws and ethical rules of that state.

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