Nassau County Lawyer – 100% Free Phone Consultation with a Nassau County Lawyer
I am Matthew A. Freer, a Nassau County lawyer who can help you with traffic and criminal matters. Whatever your situation, it is important to act decisively and with speed. Some things go away with time, but the County of Nassau and the State of New York will not if you have been arrested or ticketed for any traffic or motor vehicle violation or crime. If you have been arrested or cited for any motor vehicle related crime or other criminal matter, call me now for a 100% free phone conversation and I will see if and how I can best help you given your particular situation.
Once you call I will discuss your specific case with you and help explain and examine your options moving forward. I am very straightforward and will tell you what I think your best moves may be and will listen to your concerns and opinions. The County of Nassau has lawyers on their side and so should you! You need someone you can trust to secure your interests and ensure that your rights are protected and that you receive the best outcome possible. Don’t let bad luck, a dumb mistake, or a combination of the two tarnish your reputation and cost you in monetary terms or even cost you your liberty.
Step back for a second and take a deep breath. No one likes getting cited or arrested, and it can be a humbling and even scary experience. Call me as soon as possible at 516-993-8003 and I'll be waiting and ready to help you get through this trying time. As soon as you retain me as your Nassau county lawyer I will actively and aggressively represent you and make certain that anyone who does not have your best interests in mind knows that you are effectively represented by a Nassau County lawyer who will not allow your case to slip through the cracks. I will not allow you to be railroaded or feel attacked personally. I assure you that as soon as you pick up the phone and call me you will almost certainly feel better after we talk because you will know I am firmly in your corner.